A man has sued a hospital stating that after recent treatment, his wife had lost interest in being intimate.
The hospital, in their defense, stated… “All we did was correct her eyesight.”
A man walked into a lawyer’s office, his face twisted in frustration, carrying a thick stack of papers. He slammed them down on the desk and grumbled, “I need to sue the hospital.”
The lawyer raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”
“My wife! After her recent treatment at the hospital, she’s completely lost interest in me!” the man explained.
“Was she hurt? Is she okay?”
“Oh, she’s perfectly fine,” the man said, shaking his head. “But something’s not right. Ever since her treatment, she’s barely looked at me! She says I’m a ‘nice guy,’ but… we’re married! There should be fireworks, not polite nods!”
The lawyer squinted at him. “Did you try asking her about it?”
“Well, no. But this is a serious matter!” the man replied. “I’ve been trying everything — new cologne, fancy dinners, even learning how to cook. But it’s like she’s looking right through me…”
“Okay,” said the lawyer, adjusting his glasses, “so what’s your angle? How do you think the hospital is responsible?”
“I’m suing the hospital because, after her treatment, she doesn’t even glance in my direction anymore. I suspect they’ve done something to her that’s… messing with her mind!”
The lawyer nodded slowly, trying to digest this. “Was her treatment something serious? Something that could have caused changes in her behavior?”