I Will Never Watch “The View”…

I Will Never Watch “The View”…

Joy Behar of ABC’s “The View” is back to infuriating conservatives, though this time the far-left talk show co-hosts comments are coming on social media rather than on the set of “The View,” which is from where she typically says something sparking anger on the right.

Specifically, this time she posted on X about the recent Colorado Supreme Court decision that Trump should be removed from the ballot over what it said what an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, which it claimed was disqualifying because of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Behar argued that Trump must be defeated by the law, and that the ballot box is an insufficient avenue for stopping him.

Behar did so in response to a twee from former Congressman Joe Walsh, who said, “A take no one will like: 1. I think Trump committed insurrection, but he hasn’t been convicted of insurrection yet. So this doesn’t seem right. 2. Because this “insurrectionist ban” is vague, untested, & may not even apply to the presidency, SCOTUS should & will unanimously (9-0) overrule this decision. 3. What the Colorado Supreme Court just did will strengthen Trump politically. 4. The best and ONLY way to defeat Trump is at the ballot box, not to kick him off the ballot. Defeat him at the ballot box. That’s what’s best for the country.”

Behar, in response, argued that the “ballot box can’t compete” with using the law to stop Trump, saying, “Joe, the ballot box can’t compete with the third party candidates who will take votes from Joe Biden. And let us not forget the electoral college. The law must defeat him.”

Predictably, though her tweet was defended by some on the left, conservatives on X flocked to Behar’s comments section to obliterate her tweet about the law and ballot box. ‘“He might win a fair election so we have to find a way to get him off the ballot. And let us not forget about the manner of voting prescribed by the Constitution.’ You’re as dumb as you look,” one user said.

Another shocked commenter noted the seeming incoherence of her stance on the issue and said, “So….you’re advocating for the legal system to abuse its powers in order to “save democracy” by weaponizing the Constitution in order to prevent a candidate from being fairly elected?”

Still another commenter argued that Trump has led many on the left to expose their real, anti-democratic viewpoints about how rulers and leaders should be decided, saying, “I love it when you people expose who you are. You are everything you fear in Trump. Keep posting. It builds the #WalkAway movement. Thanks again. It was people like you that made me dig deeper and see the lies.”

And yet another noted the utter hypocrisy of the stance Joy and others have on Trump and democracy, posting, “Democracy dies in darkness when Republicans and conservatives do things we don’t like but all options are in the table when our side needs to win.”

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