If You See Plastic Bottle On Your Car Tire , Call 911 Immediately Check comment why?

If You See Plastic Bottle On Your Car Tire , Call 911 Immediately Check comment why?

Modern life is exceptionally complex. You have so many bills to pay for – many of which did not even exist a few decades ago. Work keeps getting shoved onto you without being obvious – you have to check out your own items at Walmart because they don’t want to hire more people, you have to do your own takes, you have to pay for your own retirement.

With so many things to bother us and keep us occupied as we go through everyday life in the modern world – adding one more thing could just be too much. However, the message we want to share with you today is vital for your safety. If you ignore it, you might not be with us tomorrow. So listen up and take action if you ever see a plastic bottle stuck between your tire and the frame of your car. And if you do see it, call 911 immediately.

There’s a new trick out there for crooks to steal from you. And it is very effective. Carjackers have discovered a useful, and very cost effective way, to steal your car.

If you ever see a water bottle on your tire, know that a potential thief is lurking in the shadows. They’re watching you. And they’re hungry for your vehicle. Although this trick was first reported in Limpopo, South Africa, it has quickly spread to the rest of the world and is being used to great effect here in the United States.

Here’s how the trick works. When a potential carjacker sees a vehicle they want to steal, they put a water bottle against the wheel to “mark” it. They put the bottle on the front passenger side wheel so the driver won’t spot it when entering.

When the driver starts to move the car, the empty plastic bottle crackles and makes all sorts of worrying noise. The first thing that most drivers do is stop the car and jump out to see what they ran over. That’s when the carjacker strikes!

If a driver leaves the keys in the car with the vehicle running, all the thief as to do is get inside the vehicle and drive away. The owner is left on the curb looking like a fool. The thief could also just use the opportunity to get into the car and steal valuables like a wallet or cellphone that was left behind. The drive puts himself or herself at risk as soon as they leave the vehicle to examine what created the noise.

Next time you’re getting into your car, take a few seconds to check the wheels. Take a look to see if you can see anything out of order. And if you see a water bottle jammed into the space between the tire and the frame of the car – be on alert. The would-be thief might be watching you. Quietly take out your phone and dial 911 and alert the police to what you are experiencing and that you feel you might be under threat. Provide your location and details about your vehicle.

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