Kamala Harris Says She Is Prepared To Take Over For Biden If Needed

Kamala Harris Says She Is Prepared To Take Over For Biden If Needed

Democrat incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris joined The Associated Press for an interview at the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia that has generated significant backlash for the California politician. Speaking to an AP reporter Harris attested that she feels prepared to “step into that role” as President should the 80-year-old President Joe Biden become incapacitated or otherwise unable to complete his term in office.

Given increasing concerns over the health and mental fitness of Biden, the AP asked Harris if she feels prepared to “step into the role” as president and she answered with an immediate, almost enthusiastic “yes.”

“Well, first of all, I’m answering your hypothetical,” Harris said according to The Post Millennial. “But Joe Biden’s gonna be fine, right? So that is not gonna come to fruition.”

While Harris claims that she is “no different,” the American public seems to feel differently with Harris’ approval rating sitting at 39% according to FiveThirtyEight, with her disapproval at 51%. The Vice-President has been upsidedown in the polls, with her disapproval greater than her approval ratings, since October 2021, barely nine months into Biden’s presidency.

“I see him every day. A substantial amount of time we spend together is in the Oval Office, where I see how his ability to understand issues and weave through complex issues in a way that no one else can to make smart and important decisions on behalf of the American people have played out,” she claimed.

“And so I will say to you that I think the American people ultimately want to know that their president delivers. And Joe Biden delivers,” Harris added, repeating the well-trod-upon campaign phrase.

As reported by The Daily Mail, Haley explained the process as requested by the AP reporter, saying ”

Fox News commentator Jesse Watters described Harris’ bombshell interview when he spoke with GOP Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley about what he called the “Biden-Harris conundrum.” He observed, “After a month off, Kamala Harris gave us a preview of what a Harris presidency would look like, after she was put in charge at the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia. She broke some big news: Joe Biden is just fine (not great though) and she is ready to take over the job of President. But the new Biden biography is portraying Kamala as picky, petty and insecure. Biden didn’t put much stock at all into Kamala’s political future and is running for re-election because he believes Kamala would get smoked in a general election.”

Haley told Fox Business‘ Sunday Morning Futures in August, “We cannot have Kamala Harris as president. We can’t chance this. We have to make sure we have a new generational leader who will bring in not only Republicans, but independents, suburban women, Hispanics and the Asian community.”

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