Loyal Cat refuses to leave bedside of Dy.ing Grandma, who raised her!

Loyal Cat refuses to leave bedside of Dy.ing Grandma, who raised her!

Pictures of a way of saying it the best. Glad that the cat was able to stay with her.
It’s never easy to get over the passing of a loved one, it would appear this is the same for cats as well.

In 2014, Alexis Hackney and her family found Trooper while flipping a house, they could hear her meowing from the basement and went to investigate. She was in the wall, and my mom and sister had to get a sledgehammer, and bust out the sheetrock and get her.

And they took the kitten home where she formed a close bond with their grandmother Sarah who lived with them.
Trooper slept on her bed most of the time and was constantly bringing her gifts from around the house.

When Sarah sa.dly pa.ssed aw.ay Trooper was inconsolable. She’s not a very vocal cat, but she was just walking around the house, crying all of the time.
Trooper is doing better now but misses Sarah very much.
This shows that they do have feelings and care very much about the humans they share their life with!

What a great comfort this must be to this Grandma and her precious fur baby!

Animals have a great sense of what’s going on with us humans – how beautiful the love of this cat for her Grandma!

God’s blessings to this sweet cat and We hope that someone takes on this cat and gives it a loving forever home.

So much peace for both of them.

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