5 things grandparents do for young children…

5 things grandparents do for young children…

1. Grandparents give advice.
Being the parent of a baby or toddler is a joy, but it’s not always easy. Especially for new parents. And little ones grow and develop so fast that parenting routines that work one day may not the next. When in doubt, parents often go online for answers. But the sources of parenting information they trust the most are their own parents (usually their mothers or mothers-in-law), more than friends, pediatricians or websites.

The lived experience and wisdom of grandparents can be especially helpful and calming in moments of parental frustration or panic.

2. Grandparents teach young children.
Grandparents can bring a special enthusiasm to the time they spend with their little ones, and that helps a child learn and grow. They help children learn by playing, talking and reading together while giving them focused attention. And they teach more directly by telling stories and sharing family and cultural traditions. Grandparents are also in a unique position to reinforce limits and lessons from parents while also listening, wiping away tears and showing their grandchild that they understand.

3. Grandparents provide child care.
More than just occasional help, many families rely on grandparents for regular, trusted child care for their little ones. According to ZERO TO THREE, 1 out of 4 children under age 5 are cared for by grandparents while their parents work or attend school. That’s the same number of children enrolled in formal child care programs.

While many grandparents rise to the challenge, it’s not always easy. About half of grandparents surveyed feel some level of disagreement or tension about approaches to child care, and 2 out of 5 say the job of caregiving is tiring.

4. Some grandparents are primary caregivers.
Many grandparents are also helping raise their grandchildren, which increases both the challenges and the rewards. In Arizona, First Things First provides funding for various programs that support grandparents in these efforts. Check out our Find Programs search tool to see what classes and workshops are available in your Arizona community.

5. Grandparents love.
The most important thing that grandparents bring their little ones is love. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers learn and grow through close, caring relationships with the adults in their lives. The attention, interaction and unconditional love from grandparents (and parents, of course) helps a young child feel safe and secure. And that’s what they need for healthy brain development.

So, the love of a grandparent makes a real, lasting impact on a young child’s future. Research also shows that a close, involved relationship is good for grandparents, too, contributing to healthier, happier and possibly even longer lives.

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