After 178 Days in Space, Astronaut Reveals the Surprising ‘Lie’ He Discovered

A former astronaut has shared the profound “sobering realization” he had after seeing Earth from space.

Ron Garan, who spent 178 days in space and traveled over 71 million miles across 2,842 orbits, reflected on his experiences and concluded that humanity is “living a lie.”

Garan’s epiphany is far more meaningful than any flat Earth theory. In an interview with Big Think, he recalled the moment when it hit him that society had been fundamentally mistaken.

Having experienced the “overview effect”—a phenomenon many astronauts report when seeing Earth from space—Garan said it caused him to rethink everything. This effect often leads to astronauts having spiritual awakenings or feeling a deeper connection to our planet. For example, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell described it as an “explosion of awareness.”

From space, Garan had an awe-inspiring view of Earth. He saw flashes of lightning storms, the shimmering auroras, and the fragile, thin atmosphere that sustains life. This led him to a stark realization: this thin layer of air is what keeps all living things on the planet alive.

Instead of focusing on the economy, Garan saw a vibrant biosphere full of life. He explained that human-made systems treat everything—including the life-support systems of Earth—as mere tools for economic growth, and from space, it’s clear that we’ve been living under an illusion.

In a separate interview with Forbes, Garan described the experience as “blowing him away.” He also felt a deep sense of connection to everyone on Earth, despite being so far removed from it.

Since returning home, Garan has become an advocate for environmental sustainability, emphasizing the need to prioritize the health of the planet over economic interests. He founded the Manna Energy Foundation, which works on providing clean drinking water to developing countries, and the Fragile Oasis project, which aims for positive global change.

As humanity looks toward space exploration, Garan’s insights may offer valuable lessons for protecting Earth’s future.

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