Fans of the widely beloved game show, Wheel of Fortune, were left in disbelief following a recent episode where a contestant appeared to provide the correct answer but lost out on a substantial cash prize. The contestant in question, Megan, a married high school choir director from California, found herself in the spotlight as she attempted to solve a puzzle in the category of ‘Living Thing’. With $40,000 on the line, the stakes were high as Megan faced the challenge of deciphering a two-word answer.
Host Pat Sajak guided Megan to the puzzle board, revealing the partially filled phrase: ‘_ _ n _ ‘ _ R _ _ _ ‘. Despite having only a few letters to work with, Megan managed to make significant progress, transforming the puzzle into ‘P _ N ‘ ‘ RC _ D’. With the timer ticking down, Megan hastily offered her final guess, uttering what sounded like ‘pink orchid’ or perhaps ‘something orchid’.