Can Dogs and Cats Get Acne?

Animals typically develop acne in middle age

Acne plagues many teenagers and even adults, but did you know that animals get pimples too? Dr. Jason Pieper, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana, sees a few cases of pet acne every year.

Acne occurs when a hair follicle becomes plugged. Hair follicles lie within the skin. They cradle the root of a hair shaft, which grows out of the middle of the follicle, and supply the hair with protective oils from attached glands.

Acne Most Common on the Chin

“It is possible for any animal to get acne,” Dr. Pieper says, “although we see it most commonly in cats and dogs.” There isn’t a particular breed or sex that is predisposed to acne. Unlike the humans, who are acne-prone in their teens, animals typically develop acne in middle age.

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