“Please help! I can’t find my child!” I cried out loud. “I was sidetracked for a moment while changing my baby’s diaper, and when I returned, she was gone!”

“Please help! I can’t find my child!” I cried out loud. “I was sidetracked for a moment while changing my baby’s diaper, and when I returned, she was gone!”

“Calm down, ma’am. If she boarded the flight, she’ll be somewhere around,” the flight attendant said, trying to calm me, but in vain. She returned a few minutes later, but without any good news.

“I checked every possible place, but I didn’t see your daughter anywhere. Are you sure?”

Suddenly, everyone looked askance at me, ridiculing and giggling. “I knew she was lying!” a passenger from the front seat yelled.

“I know, right! I even saw her taking some pills,” another woman said. God, it was so embarrassing!

“Oh god, is she high on something? How can airport security be so irresponsible and let such people in?” an old lady grumbled. I was done. I needed someone to believe my words!

“It’s nothing like that! PLEASE, HELP ME!” I pleaded.

“Oh, come on!” a man yelled from behind. “Can you guys stop shouting? I have an important meeting tomorrow. For peet’s sake, let me sleep!”

Then I just broke down. Even the flight attendant began doubting me. “Are you sure you only took one pill, ma’am?”

Exhausted and desperate, I collapsed on the ground before I could reach my seat. But when I opened my eyes, I saw something that made everyone feel sorry for their disbelief. 👇

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