Neuter swelling

Neuter swelling

Hello, I got my 2 year old German shepherd neutered last Thursday 5/16. He was given carprofen for pain and trazadone/gabapentim for sedation. (He’s extremely hyper).

We’re following the directions for the meds and now he only has sedation pills left. I’ve been checking the area daily and today I noticed more bruising and his scrotum has swollen a bit more than it was 2 days ago.Watch below

He’s acting fine, eating drinking and using the restroom no problem. Still low activity and only taking him outside for potty breaks. Is this swelling and bruising normal? I’m probably being way way overly cautious but he’s my baby and would hate for something to be wrong. The vet said if it swells to larger than it was before the neuter to bring him in. (Not the case as of right now.) See below

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