Trump Picks Another Major Endorsement As Republicans Begin To Unite

Trump Picks Another Major Endorsement As Republicans Begin To Unite

Former President Donald Trump has picked up another key Republican endorsement as the party, once a bit fractured during last spring’s primaries, begins to coalesce around him again. Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa announced his support for Trump on Tuesday.

“We need President Trump back in the White House to get our country back on track and correct President Biden’s failures,” Grassley told the Daily Caller. “High costs at the grocery store are hurting Iowa families, and Biden’s open border policies are jeopardizing the safety of America’s families. There’s no question who I’ll be supporting in November: Donald J. Trump.” He added: “Every time I get a chance to speak up for Trump at my Iowa meetings and in the press, I take it.”

Grassley, the longest-serving senator, was reelected to his eighth term in 2022 and received an endorsement from Trump. Prior to the Iowa caucus, Grassley held off on making an endorsement, saying: “I do not plan on endorsing, and I believe that Joni Ernst has the same view I have. And the reason we haven’t endorsed anybody is because when there were 13 candidates, we wanted everybody to come to Iowa and keep Iowa first in the nation.”

Meanwhile, there is one red state that currently could serve as a gatekeeper preventing President Biden and the secretive behind-the-scenes cabal ‘assisting’ him from getting another term, and Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk is working to make it happen.

In an interview with Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room’ podcast in April, Kirk said he was en route to Nebraska to hold an event that he hopes will lead the GOP governor there to hold a special session to change the state’s law from it’s mixed electoral vote award system to a winner-take-all system like most other states.

“You’re heading into Nebraska. Tell me what your task and purpose are, brother,” Bannon said, queuing up Kirk.

“So it’s really simple. The current electoral map shows that it is possible for Biden to take the electoral votes from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin. Our plan is to not have that be the case. But as you well know in military strategy and in business, you have to have back-up plans. You have to have insurance plans. And there is no reason whatsoever why we would hand Joe Biden 270 electoral votes if he is able, for whatever reason, to sneak by and get Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan. Who knows, they are crooked states,” he said.

“If we are able to get Nebraska to become winner-take-all and no longer do this goofy system where they have one electoral vote for the liberal city of Omaha. Joe Biden would then not be able to get to 270 electoral votes; it would end in a 269 tie, and it would go to the House of Representatives, and Donald Trump would become president of the United States. But this is a clear action item,” he added.

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