Spoiled Teen Mocks Stewardess Not Knowing His Rich Dad Has Been Watching Him – Story of the Day

Spoiled Teen Mocks Stewardess Not Knowing His Rich Dad Has Been Watching Him – Story of the Day

17-year-old Andrew, a spoiled rich kid accustomed to having his way, often mistreats others. After seeing him mock a flight attendant, his father decides it’s time Andrew learns a lesson in respect.“Can you move it faster?” Andrew grumbled impatiently as he maneuvered past an older man being assisted by a young flight attendant. The man had trouble walking, but Andrew didn’t think twice before mocking him and rushed to his seat.As the plane took off, Andrew, a frequent flyer since childhood, lifted the window shade, feeling bored and eager to return home after his first semester at boarding school. He eventually rose to retrieve his tablet but left his bag protruding from the overhead bin…The flight attendant who’d been assisting the older man earlier approached him. “Your bag is popping out. You didn’t close the overhead bin properly, sir.”

“Then do it instead of just standing there. It’s not my job,” Andrew retorted rudely.Despite the lad’s rude words, the stewardess, maintaining her composure, closed the bin and walked away. Andrew, still in a foul mood, began eating some peanuts but spat them out in disgust. He rudely summoned the attendant.“These peanuts taste awful! Get me something better than these disgusting nuts!” he demanded, throwing the bag at her.The attendant, visibly upset yet polite, responded, “Sir, please calm down and don’t throw things at me.”
“I’ll do what I like!” Andrew snapped. “You’re here to serve me. Just go and get me something nice to eat, not some crappy junk like these peanuts. Now, go!”The passengers nearby looked on in disbelief at Andrew’s behavior towards the patient stewardess.Andrew’s immediate co-passenger, the older man whom he’d mocked earlier, interrupted his rude behavior towards the flight attendant.”Young man, don’t talk to her like that,” the older man chided. “Just because it’s her job to serve us doesn’t mean you can disrespect her. She’s here to do her work, and she’s doing it well so far. It would be nice if you were kind to her and stopped shouting at her.””Why should I be kind to someone who can’t do her job?” Andrew retorted, snapping his fingers at the stewardess. “Hurry up with my snack! Don’t just stand here and stare at me like a statue!”

The attendant, teary-eyed but composed, walked away.”Your parents must be so disappointed in you,” the older man remarked, returning to his magazine.”Mind your own business, old man!” Andrew replied dismissively. “I paid for this flight; I deserve good service.”When the attendant returned with pretzels, Andrew, unimpressed, slapped the tray away. “I want something better!””That’s all we have, sir,” the attendant responded, tears in her eyes.Andrew’s loud insults attracted the attention of another passenger, a woman who confronted him. “How dare you speak to her like that? Show some respect!””If she did her job well, I wouldn’t be complaining!” Andrew argued. “She’s just a terrible servant!”Unable to bear the insults any longer, the attendant burst into tears. Andrew’s harsh words echoed through the cabin, shocking the passengers with his lack of empathy and respect.”Somebody ought to give you a hiding, young man,” the elderly passenger in the seat beside Andrew scowled at him. “I’ve been watching you all along, and this is not how you talk to people.””I agree,” another passenger, a man in an expensive suit, chimed in from behind Andrew. “You’ve been so annoying and rude to her. She’s doing her job well, but I guess you don’t know how to be polite and respectful, boy.”Andrew was pretty startled because that voice sounded so familiar. His forehead wrinkled in shock, and his mouth fell open when he turned around.”DAD?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??” he gasped.”ANDREW??” the lad’s dad, Steven, was equally startled, and a tingle rushed across his skin, sharp and cold, when he realized the young bully who was insulting the flight attendant was none other than his own son.”I had to take this economy flight back to New York due to a last-minute delay in the booking. I thought I heard your voice, but I was busy checking the company’s annual report. I can’t believe it would be you making a scene here!” Steven fumed at Andrew, who stood frozen, his mouth clamped shut and eyes fixed on his father.”But…dad…” Andrew stuttered.”Shut up and APOLOGIZE TO HER right now!” added Steven.

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