Magical Moment Between Pair Of Sweet Owls!

Magical Moment Between Pair Of Sweet Owls!

Beautiful moment of beautiful owls

These owls are lovely.

A tender moment between a pair of barn owls has been captured in some stunning images.
The affectionate pair, who are sisters rather than a breeding pair, were snuggling together in a tree.

Leslie Arnott, 55 from Staffordshire, captured the moment during a Country Events and Falconry partnership.
Mr Arnott said: They are quite hard conditions in the dark woodland and the pair flew for a while before sharing their special moment.
They started rubbing heads and getting quite affectionate. Then came the moment they appeared to kiss each other.

These owls are very affectionate towards each other and work well together however they are not a breeding pair they are actually sisters.
They continued their tender behavior towards one another for around three minutes but the kissing happened twice within that period

God Bless these precious owls. A family, love and cares to these loves. Have a long and a happy life together.
Animals are the grateful beings of the world…

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